Letter to the Editor

Loving the Lord

As Christmas gets closer I wonder if we have the true meaning of Christmas in our heart. The First Commandment says we must love the Lord more than anything else.

Do we really?

We complain if Mass is too long, but we go to a movie theater for nearly two hours. We love the movies more than we love the Lord (and have no idea what Mass really is).

We dress up for many things but dressing up for Mass is not important. Why?

Father Larry Richards says, "If you wear a suit and tie to work, you must wear a suit and tie to Mass, or you love work more than you love the Lord."

Did you talk to a friend today? Did you pray today, talk to God? If you did not pray, you love your friend more than you love the Lord.

In my lifetime, I have been very guilty of having my priorities mixed up without even realizing it. When you truly make the Lord more important than anything else, your outlook on life will change and you will find the peace and happiness that everyone is looking for.

You cannot find this peace and happiness from anything the world has to offer. It can only come from the Lord and truly loving him more than anything else in the world.

"Magnify" your personal relationship with the Lord and have a merry Christmas better than you ever imagined possible.

GERARD MACKE, Leopold, Mo.