Letter to the Editor

Detaining American citizens

The Senate on Dec. 1 passed S. Bill 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act, which gives the U.S. military the power to indefinitely detain an American citizen with no charge, no trial and no oversight whatsoever. The vote was 93-7 in favor. Missouri Senators Roy Blunt and Claire McCaskill voted yes.

Rand Paul from Kentucky offered an amendment to block the measure from being used against U.S. citizens but was voted down.

"The bill puts military detention authority on steroids and makes it permanent, American citizens and others at great risk of being locked away by the military without charge or trial," said Christopher Anders, senior legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union.

The bill completely violates the Sixth Amendment and destroys the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 which prohibits the military from acting in a law enforcement capacity in the United States.

Though the White House has threatened to veto the bill, further statements from the Obama administration continue to back state-sponsored assassination of U.S. citizens alleged to be terrorists -- the veiled threat is tenuous.

Thus, my fellow citizens, if you or I are hauled away to a military prison without charges or trial someday, remember I warned you. By the way, Blunt and McCaskill are traitors to you and the U.S. Constitution for supporting this bill.

JAMES M. McCLELLAN, Cape Girardeau