Letter to the Editor

Obama creates crises

Every policy idea initiated by the Obama administration propagates "Big Government power." All have been initiated by Obama riding in on his Black Trojan Horse named "crises" creating an urgent need to "pass this bill" (without reading and debating it of course) in answer to an "emergency" Obama was instrumental in creating.

Funding Obama's "plan" of course always requires increased bureaucratic regulatory restrictions and higher taxes. This time Obama's "crises management plan" even includes the income tax code being changed to punish "charitable giving." All of Obama's collectivist takeover scams have been his "answer to emergencies" and they're always ballyhooed with verbal word painting presentations that tug at the heart strings and castigate Republicans for being heartless cynical sadists abusing grandma, or of being a greedy "Simon Legree" to union members. To buy into Obama's outrageous rhetoric one has to believe that Republicans don't have grandmas and that Republicans have never had, nor has anyone in their family, ever had a union job, and therefore Republicans never do anything to help their fellow man. Well if that's true, why does Obama need to rig the tax code to punish them if they do?

This technique of creating "crises" and "emergency" and insisting the only answer is "Obama's way" is the latest and greatest in Democrat demagoguery. If Republicans cave in to this tactic, they set the stage for Democrats to implement any mechanism or policy that codifies total dependency upon Democrat-controlled government and their domineering, citizen-controlling "vision."

JOHN McMILLEN, Sikeston, Mo.