Washington, DC experience of 9/11

My husband, Mike and I were living in Washington, DC on September 11, 2001. I was watching the broadcast of the World Trade Center when the report was interrupted with the news of the Pentagon. It was amazing how quickly the city reacted after the attack on the Pentagon. Even though we lived out on the west edge of the metro area, the military presence was felt almost immediately. For weeks we could hear the Apache helicopters and fighter jets flying a grid over the city guarding against any other attacks.

On Friday, September 14th, we drove downtown to the National City Christian Church for a prayer service. NCCC is located in the heart of downtown DC. We had to detour around many road blocks to make our way to the church. To see our nations capital guarded by every level of military presence available was quite a sight. National City Christian Church is a very large church but it was standing room only that day. Office workers from all over downtown had taken the time to stop and pray for all those involved. The church has one of the largest pipe organs in the country with over 7,000 pipes but there were times during the service when the low flying jets and helicopters actually drowned out the organ! I will never forget standing in the church packed with strangers singing God Bless America while listening to the jets overhead.

On Sunday we went to see the damage at the Pentagon. Unless you have seen the Pentagon in person, it is hard to believe just how big that building is. To see the giant hole blasted in that building was heartbreaking. We made many visits to that area to watch the rebuilding and the amount of dedication from those construction workers was really something to see. One of the best viewing areas, ironically, was in Arlington National Cemetery where many of the workers at the Pentagon were buried.

We were just temporary residents in Washington, DC but it was an experience I would not have missed for anything in the world. I just wish everyone could have a chance to feel the patriotism there was in that city after the attacks.
