Letter to the Editor

Two sides to issue

It is almost refreshing to read a daily newspaper that makes very little effort to show political neutrality. The Southeast Missourian apparently feels it necessary to daily repeat the conservative appeals to fear and mistrust.

Personally, I find the endless tirade against the health care reform act repulsive. The misinformation that you continue to publish is not a service to the community.

Reform has been badly needed for decades, but no conservatives have had the courage to stand against the insurance lobby to deal with the issue. The reform may not be perfect, but it sure is the best step in the right direction to come out of Congress in 45 years.

There are at least two sides to every issue, sometimes more, but I find your weak efforts at presenting factual material and/or more progressive opinions woefully inadequate.Present all sides reasonably and truly serve the community.

FONDA DAVIS, Chaffee, Mo.