Letter to the Editor

No to Prop. B

I am opposed to Proposition B.

No one wants any animal to be abused or neglected, but we already have laws to address these issues. If a few dog breeders don't abide by the current laws, I doubt that they will abide by new ones. Additional laws and regulations would make it more difficult for the reputable breeders to compete.

Passage of Proposition B would give the Washington D.C.-based Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) a foothold in Missouri for their next steps toward making it illegal to have animals as pets, eliminating the animal agriculture industry and stopping hunting and fishing. They don't want the public to have the choice of eating meat. They have already wrecked the pork industry in Florida and Ohio and the egg industry in California.

Contrary to the implications on some television commercials, not all veterinarians support Proposition B. Some are very opposed to it.

The state of Missouri doesn't need the additional $500,000 cost of administering more regulations.

I urge everyone to vote no on Proposition B.

GLEN BIRK, Jackson