Ready to serve

As we candidates went through the debate process, I concluded this about our American society: we Americans are willing to acknowledge our difficulties and shortcomings. We recognize our earlier mistakes and truthfully describe the magnitude of our problems. We brainstorm ideas and allow the expression of several different solutions unafraid that our suggestions will endanger us.

We are at a turning point in our political life in America. The old ways of passing another law, creating another program, devising an additional tax on our neighbor will not work. Let's place people in government who can think outside the box while working within the limits of the Constitution.

Our campaign has demonstrated a new paradigm in politics. We are on the general ballot in serious contention on a $5,000 budget. We have offered up hard solutions and in-depth analysis without blaming others. We haven't used a party structure, only our own grit (and another $10,000 of personal savings) to explain our message. Our committed, unconventional approach to problem solving should equip us to face the demanding circumstances of the 21st century.

LARRY BILL, 2543 Prairie View Trail, Jackson, MO 63755

Paid for by "Committee to Elect Lawrence David Bill for Congress," Daniel Ray Brown, Treasurer, 2543 Prairie View Trail, Jackson, MO 63755