Letter to the Editor

Casino vote guidance

In light of the upcoming vote on casino gambling in Cape Girardeau, I would like to offer an easy solution. However, the solution will only work if you are a Christian. To be clear, Christians are those who have personally repented of their sins and received Christ into their hearts.

My solution is to pray. Pray and seek God's guidance, then vote the way he tells you -- not the way any man, woman, business owner or city official would like to persuade you to vote.

God promises he will answer our prayers. The question then become: 1. Will you pray? 2. Will you listen to his answer and obey?

Finally, as a Christian, remember that you will one day stand before God and give an account for your life's actions, both the good and the bad. Regarding the casino vote, what will your record be? Can he count on you?

TERI GOODMAN, Cape Girardeau