Prove me wrong, and I'll pay

I've just read Tommy Sowers' response to my letter. He said it was "pathetic and desperate." Well, Tommy, that's a matter of opinion, but look at it this way: I'm not running for political office as a far-left liberal in a conservative district and trailing my opponent by 50 percentage points. That should just about cover the "desperate" part, don't you think?

As for the "pathetic" bit? Well, Tommy, here too I'm not willing to say or do anything to please any paymasters in New York, San Francisco or Hollywood so they'll send me money. (Come to think of it, that's probably both "pathetic and desperate," but we can let that go.)

You did say something we can work on though, Tommy. You wrote, "Last week, when Josh Bill made his false claims ... ." Here's my deal. If you will write a piece explaining how and which of my claims were false and run it in this space, I'll pay for it.

Let's cut to the chase. No name calling and no changing the subject. Did you have a fundraiser at Local 16 on Washington's U Street corridor? And, do you deny that it's a gay bar?

A word of caution though, Tommy, before you answer. You should Google "Local 16 Sunday School." A lot of other people will either before or after they read your answer. They can then judge for themselves who made false claims.

Mr. Editor, if he sends in an answer explaining how my claims were false and sticks to that topic, let me know and we'll make arrangements on the billing.

JOSH BILL, 1002 N. Ranney, Sikeston, MO 63801