Stop illegal immigration

Not stopping illegal immigration in our country affects the legal occupants of our nation. Besides the increased stress on our institutions like schools, police departments and hospitals, those who employ illegals have an unfair advantage over employers who play by the rules. In 2010, the Census Bureau will count illegals; therefore, California, Texas and even Arizona, thanks to illegal immigrant presence, will benefit by gaining seats in Congress. Midwest states will lose representation at the federal level.

This problem did not start with the Obama administration. In Arizona, longtime incumbent John McCain, whose Republican Party recently controlled both houses of Congress and the presidency, now campaigns to "Finish the Dang Fence." Now he is supportive when in 2007 he publicly stated he saw little use in a fence. Once in Congress, I intend to push for securing our borders and punishing those who knowingly hire illegals to undercut legitimate businesses.

LARRY BILL, 2543 Prairie View Trail, Jackson, MO 63755

Paid for by "Committee to Elect Lawrence David Bill for Congress," Daniel R. Brown, Treasurer, 2543 Prairie View Trail, Jackson, MO 63755