Letter to the Editor

High praise for Shere Kahn director

To the editor:

Thank you so much for the wonderful article in the Southeast Missourian Jr. on Shere Kahn, the special music group from Central Middle School. We got the most recent issue yesterday and, as usual, read it from cover to cover. These children have worked so hard and do put on quite the show. As a parent of a fifth-grader involved, it has been the highlight of his year at CMS.

However, to my great disappointment their incredible teacher, director and mentor, Pam Dumey, is not mentioned at all. (I reread it several times to make sure I didn't miss her name.) Shere Kahn would not be the awesome group that it is without her expertise, her guidance and her musical way with these children. It is a real shame to praise this group without mentioning their amazingly creative leader.