Letter to the Editor

Campaign for representation

Join us in our effort to do what our Constitution enables us to do as a free and liberated people: Hold the people elected accountable to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."

Constitutional responsibilities of our elected officials are clear. As representatives and senators, they are bound by the Constitution not to socialize our government or support governmental dictates of rights or entitlements that restrict freedom and deny liberties.

They are required to support policies for America's security and independence on energy by formulating an energy policy that would make America self-sufficient for its energy needs.

They are required to represent the people with a fair and equitable tax system, support a conservation policy that promotes American values and interests, not a policy that subordinates America's sovereignty to a global environmental movement.

It is incumbent on the American people to keep the American dream of individual freedom and liberty alive. We must reject and defeat an ideology within our government that supports the tenets of socialism and Marxism.

KEN OCHS, Cape Girardeau