Independent Candidate, Veteran Larry Bill, Commends Actions of Competitors

This photo was taken of Larry Bill after a U-2 mission during the Cold War. (Not an endorsement by the U.S. Air Force)

In the normal run of political campaigns, politicians take a "me all good, opponent all bad" attitude as a theme. Larry Bill, a local Jackson businessman, wants to instead recognize when opponents take action favorable to us all. For example, Larry was pleased with Jo Ann Emerson's introduction of legislation to block the EPA from instituting cap and trade by executive order. Why raise utility bills on people out of work?

He also appreciates Tommy Sowers' articles about lack of Congressional involvement in the Afghanistan strategy. Tommy's Boots on the Ground Tour surely helped his situational awareness of conditions in the 8th District.

Larry applauds Bob Parker's efforts to get fellow Republicans and others back to following conservative philosophies of less government interference in individual's lives and fiscal responsibility.

Independent conservative candidate Mr. Bill believes we need to address issues that have faced this nation for decades under Republican and Democrat rule. These issues are protection of Constitutional rights, energy independence, reduced government spending, stopping illegal immigration and term limits for Congressmen.

This four-way race may shape up to be very competitive; it will also expose voters to alternative solutions the differing candidates will present.

