Letter to the Editor

Support for child advocacy funds

To the editor:

I greatly appreciate the April 14 "Advocacy centers for children facing cuts" article by Matt Sanders and the letter from Kendra Eads, "Funding need for child advocacy."

As a board member of the Southeast Missouri Network Against Sexual Violence and as the sponsor of legislation creating the NASV when I served in the House of Representatives, I am compelled to state my position of strong support for continued child advocacy center funding.

I am thankful that my colleagues, Speaker Rod Jetton, state Rep. Jodie Stefanik (chairman of the Appropriations-Health, Mental Health and Social Services Committee), state Rep. Brad Lager (chairman of the Budget Committee), state Rep. Nathan Cooper and the entire Southeast Missouri delegation in the House successfully supported efforts to fund child advocacy center this week.

I look forward to continuing my work and support for child advocacy centers as I have done in the past and will do in the future.

JASON G. CROWELL, State Senator, 27th District, Cape Girardeau