Letter to the Editor

Court decision gives big megaphone to corporations

If you thought our elections were for sale before, buckle your seat belt.

The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission is a virtual "blue light special" with corporations gaining even more influence on local and national issues and votes. The far-reaching and chilling decision went far beyond the simple question of whether free-speech protections under the First Amendment prevent Congress from restricting corporate political campaign contributions. In this decision the court has overturned federal campaign regulations enacted in 1907, some of the few remaining constraints to prevent corporations from undue influence in our elections. It overruled Supreme Court cases from 1990 and 2003 that agreed restrictions on corporate money in politics do not violate the Constitution. It hands over the power to decide our nation's most critical issues to profit-driven corporate CEOs and their shareholders by allowing unfettered spending to purchase votes, media and silence.

In earlier decisions the Supreme Court wrongly equated free speech with political contributions. Free speech will only be equal to political contributions when both individuals and corporations have equal amounts of each. Corporations already have compelling advantages over individuals. With this latest gift to corporate policymakers, media moguls and lobbyists, corporations have been given a megaphone, while John Q. Public is forced to whisper. No way to treat we, the people.

For more information about the decision go to www.MovetoAmend.org and organize to keep constitutional rights for individuals, not corporations.

ERIC FARROW, Cape Girardeau