Letter to the Editor

Turn on headlights in fog and rain, and save lives

I was driving in a slight fog. Most vehicles' headlights were piercing the haze. I was amazed when I met a car that was completely dark. I could see without headlights, but others might not see me.

Why should anyone drive without lights? Are they saving the tiny increment of gasoline used to keep their battery charged? Do they think it might make the battery last longer? Do they consider the lives, passengers' lives and the lives of others with whom they might share a head-on collision to be worth so little?

Recently I have observed that most cars have their headlights on in sunlight. Are they stupid? Of course not. They are considerate of others and believe in safe driving.

If most folks drive in daylight all lit up, then vehicles without lights virtually disappear. Someone might venture to pass on a two-way highway and confront a car approaching in the same lane. Just once could snuff out several lives.

Last Sunday at about 8 p.m. on Interstate 57 in Southern Illinois I saw a pickup without lights. There may have been a legitimate reason. Perhaps the lights had burned out. However, there was no reason for the truck to be in traffic under those conditions.

I imagine those who have not been using their headlights during daylight hours have been pleased that others have made themselves more so. Why not join the majority by returning the favor? Light up. It could save your life.

IRA J. HUDSON III, Mound City, Ill.