Letter to the Editor

Why aren't you listening?

This is an open letter to U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill:We would like to express our deep concern for the health of our country, which is already near life support, and the devastation that your unwanted and unnecessary health care reform, as it is, will mean to our country. The final nail is about to be driven into this coffin.

Why do you not hear your constituent's screams for you to stop this abomination about to be inflicted on our precious nation? Do you not care what you are doing to the future of our United States? Do you not see the handwriting on the wall for our children and grandchildren with the unbearable burden about to be inflicted upon them? Are your ears so closed that you cannot hear any longer?

We are like the aborted babies you choose to do away with. We are screaming, but you choose not to hear, and we have our silent screams ignored. You see our mouths open but choose not to hear us, and we are disposable masses to be ignored because you think you know better than the people you were selected to serve.

Our voices may not be heard. They may be ignored. But our eyes see all that is happening.

JOE and JEANA KOCH, Cape Girardeau