Letter to the Editor

Health plan is Ponzi scheme

What would you call a private-sector Ponzi scheme that raided our Social Security-Medicare trust fund and all private citizens savings accounts without our consent and invested the money in a phony scheme? What if the schemers premeditatedly defrauded the American public with outlandish promises of a great return on that investment by calculating revenue over a 10-year period less expenses for only six of those years over the same 10-year period?

We smart and clever American people have no problem in condemning that kind of a scam in the private sector and calling for any person or business entity perpetrating such a hoax to be prosecuted for fraud and corruption, demanding the promoters be thrown in prison.

When the promoters of this phony so-called health care reform bill claim a savings in the first 10 years, that's because they plan to start collecting taxes in 2010, but they don't factor in expenses for any benefits before 2014.

Claire McCaskill, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barrack Obama and anyone who voted for this disastrous bill, especially anyone who agreed to accept $300 million to squander in their district on top of the billions already poured into that same district, should be rounded up and exiled to some mosquito-infested island to let them practice their crooked style of politics there. Leave the American people out of their cockamamie America-destroying schemes.

JOHN McMILLEN, Sikeston, Mo.