Letter to the Editor

Don't make consumers suffer

To the editor:

The goal of Missouri government leaders to reduce the production of dangerous methamphetamine drugs is meritorious. The idea of forcing the average cold sufferer, who is already feeling miserable, to register to buy federally approved over-the-counter medications is a terrible one. We have a federal organization that makes decisions regarding what medications require a doctor's prescription and which ones may be sold over the counter. I don't think I should have to share my driver's license and personal information to unknown government officials so that they can track when I buy cold medication. This is overstepping my rights as a consumer. This is private medical information.

This thoughtless proposal would result in less choice, longer waits and lines at stores, and it would undoubtedly increase prices for cold medicines. Health-care costs already are astronomic. Isn't this going too far? I guess I'll just start making all my purchases online or through mail order, because the brain surgeons who think they are going to stop meth production by punishing all consumers and retailers aren't even including these sources for regulation.

Start addressing the real problem -- the big labs and big-time sellers -- and give law enforcement more resources to effectively fight the meth problem rather than these thoughtless proposals that merely are window dressing for overzealous politicians.

VINCENT J. ANDALORO, Chesterfield, Mo.