Letter to the Editor

U.N. treaty threatens wealth

The nation has seen President Obama take a downward slide in the polls concerning his approval and popularity. His recent attacks on Fox News have not helped. But there is one thing that could truly wreak havoc on this president and his policies.

Lord Christopher Monckton, an adviser to former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, is speaking out on a climate treaty in the U.N. This is not some nice little treaty to reduce pollution. It's intended to punish developed nations by forcing redistribution of wealth to developing nations.

This is intended to resolve so-called "climate debt." The developed nations would have a large portion of their wealth confiscated, as a penalty for carbon dioxide emissions, and distributed to Third World nations that have no emissions. It would put us on the path to one-world government. President Obama is expected to sign the treaty.

Think that's bad enough? It's not. It would relegate our Constitution to nothing more than a piece of paper. This is not -- I repeat, not -- some crazy conspiracy theory. Look this up and you'll find the shocking truth.

TONY REDDICK, Chaffee, Mo.