Letter to the Editor

Beg to differ on opposing views

To the editor:

When I read the recent letter complaining about the "rantings" of Alan Journet and others, I had to laugh. Whether or not the Southeast Missourian feels obligated to publish their letters, I am glad it does. We can stand a little more balanced reporting around here. What good is a newspaper that only presents one point of view?

I often hear that the so-called mainstream media is biased. These days it's hard to define what mainstream is, but there are plenty of media choices available to satisfy the cravings of every political stripe.

When an opinion is published that you disagree with, do what I usually do: ignore it or skip it altogether. After all, you're not obligated to read it.

While I'm at it, I might as well chime in on the question of whether we should have a billboard welcoming visitors to the "Home of Rush Limbaugh." I too have had people respond, upon learning where I live, "Oh, Rush Limbaugh's hometown." Since many apparently already know this, let's get behind the next thing we might want Cape Girardeau to be known for -- you know, something that might actually make people want to visit here.

JEFF JERNIGAN, Cape Girardeau