Letter to the Editor

Health-care plan is a sham

I recently had surgery to remove my thyroid, a goiter and nodules. I had a terrific doctor, an otolaryngologist, to perform the operation. I was referred to him by an endocrinologist. I had tremendous care thanks to a health-care system that is private, not government-run.

The Obama health-care plan, HR 3200, is the very antithesis of the quality system we currently have. Having heard about the plan, I had serious doubts. In fact, I opposed it. Having read a breakdown of the plan, my opposition has become more serious.

The plan is riddled with private insurance-killing policies, paybacks to ACORN and other groups that helped President Obama take the White House and, even worse, policies that are very much anti-family. Ask anyone who's lived in a socialist country or any country with a socialist health-care system, and they will tell you this bill is a disaster.

Supporters call it "health-care justice" or equal access health care for all. I call it extremely disturbing. Read it for yourself. You'll agree, and you'll oppose this sham of a health-care bill.

TONY REDDICK, Chaffee, Mo.