Letter to the Editor

A Jackson student's experience

To the editor:

I disagree with Christopher W. Feeney's letter, "Jackson facilities are adequate," because of my experience in the high school. I am a senior at Jackson High School and have been attending the high school for three years. I know how inadequate the facilities are. From the cracks at the tops of windows of our auditorium to the faulty central heating and the horrendous band and music building, our school is falling apart. I agree that the best teachers are needed to teach the students, but if the teachers' facilities are inadequate, they cannot teach to their fullest potential. Teachers need materials and equipment to teach a class just like students need a pen and paper to take notes in that class. I will never see the construction of new buildings at the high school before I graduate, but I hope that if I come back after college that I could send my children to an adequate learning facility.

If Mr. Feeney would spend one day at high school, he would notice that Jackson already has the best teachers in the area. All they need are better facilities to make Jackson the best school district in the state. I challenge him and all the voters in Jackson to take the tour of the high school and reconsider their votes and give Jackson students the opportunity hey deserve to have the best learning environment possible.