Letter to the Editor

Liberals abhor free society

America has insurmountable problems under this administration and leaders in both houses of Congress. Freedom as we've known it is coming to an end. A free society has no value to liberal Democratic intellectuals. A truly free society does not provide the liberal intellectual the superior status he/she so desperately craves in order to sustain his/her confidence in his/her superior status. Therefore a free society negates the liberal intellectual his/her perceived life's mission of social reform.

Liberal intellectuals perceive themselves as wise gods of our universe with a duty to make things better in their own image. Liberal intellectuals raised on Marxist philosophy derive their sense of usefulness from directing, instructing, planning and minding other people's business. Liberal intellectuals feel useless and neglected if a society believes they're individually and independently capable and competent to manage their own individual and communal affairs.

If individuals object to big brother supervision and regulation, we're to be targeted, silenced and driven from their liberal midst. A free-thinking, free society is as much a threat to a liberal intellectual's sense of self-worth as an automated economy is to the working man's sense of security, value and worth.

Any social order that can function with a minimum of state regulatory authority will always be anathema to the liberal intellectual trained in Marxist philosophical academia. Such has been the public academic world, which totally dominates our public educational system, for more than 40 years.

JOHN McMILLEN, Sikeston, Mo.