Letter to the Editor

District can use internal resources

I don't usually pay much attention to your Speak Out column, but I read with interest in your Sunday edition the comment concerning school advice [regarding the hiring of consultants for curriculum and a facilities plan].

Our district now has in place a highly skilled superintendent in Jim Welker. There are very qualified educators in the administration and throughout the district. I do not feel that it is necessary to spend major taxpayer dollars on an outside consultant to perform a curriculum audit.

We definitely need to improve our retention, graduation rates, at-risk issues and the overall performance by our students as evidenced by recent published statistics. This can be accomplished by the correct strategic plan, attitudes and a concentrated effort at improving parental involvement

I would recommend that the district create an internal committee of administrators, teachers and parents to study curriculum, testing and parent-involvement issues and policies. We have a very good school district. The objective should always be to strive for continued improvement in weaker areas to promote excellence.

HARRY REDIGER, Cape Girardeau

Mr. Rediger is a former member of the Cape Girardeau School Board.