Letter to the Editor

Blunt supports small business

To the editor:

This letter is in response to your article, "Blunt, McCaskill tout help for business," which omitted that Matt Blunt has received the endorsement of both the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business, the two most prominent advocates of small business.

According to Gov. Bob Holden's Web page, his differences with Claire McCaskill are minor. Holden has pushed for higher taxes the last four years. McCaskill's record as a state legislator reflects her desire to raise taxes. Blunt wants to end the franchise tax. Taxes can have a devastating effect on small business.

Blunt has repeatedly expressed his desire to reform the anti-business legal environment in Missouri. McCaskill, like Holden, would veto legislation preventing a southern Missouri business from being dragged into a St. Louis courtroom for something that has nothing to do with St. Louis. Blunt has said he would have signed this legislation passed the last two years, carrying into effect these changes. As a business owner, I can testify to the need for changing the regulatory environment for Missouri businesses.

We rate poorly as a state for new medical graduates to locate. Numerous doctors in our area already have discontinued performing high-risk procedures such as delivering babies. Our governor must agree with our legislature and sign legal reform.

It is time to move in a new direction and again reject the failed policies of Holden. Vote for Blunt.

GLENN REEVES, Cape Girardeau