Letter to the Editor

Plan raises questions

To the editor:

The Bush-Cheney team and the Republican National Committee have a co-ordinated campaign to vilify honest Americans who question their insane policies in Iraq. At last this has become public.

Their plan is to claim that anyone questioning what they do in Iraq is promoting terrorism. Clearly they are trying to quell freedom, questions and dissent whenever possible. The charges that those protesting the Iraq invasion and the conduct of this war are unpatriotic and only serve to confuse the issues.

The truth is that it was Bush-Cheney who sent and sacrificed our honorable armed forces to fight an unjustified war.

They have directly cost the lives of over 1,000 Americans and caused thousands of others to be scarred for life.

It is Bush and Cheney who do not support the troops, instead viewing them as cannon-fodder in an absurd war. They have, not incidentally, also cost the lives of tens of thousands of Iraqi women and children. This is no pro-life policy.

The reason for this war is that several Bush neo-conservative appointees saw 9-11 as an opportunity to persuade Americans to support a war they had planned for years -- a war to depose Hussein and open the Middle East to U.S. business interests. This war is all about corporate profits -- not democracy or terrorism.

Key voices in the Republican Party are publicly questioning the Bush-Cheney hallucinations.

Americans need to wake up to the deceptions they are being fed.

KERRIE LINTNER, Cape Girardeau