Letter to the Editor

Thanks to my good Samaritans

To the editor:

On Sept. 9 I had a full day planned. I was to take my son to the doctor, pick up some medicine, get some building material and go to a church meeting before returning home.

At the doctor's office I began to get light-headed and dizzy for no apparent reason. Soon I began to vomit, and this continued as we shopped. My son was confused, because neither of us knew how serious it was until I became so weak I couldn't sit up.

That's when two kind Samaritans stopped to offer their assistance. Since my son was from out of town and didn't know his way around Cape Girardeau, they graciously offered to help me into my truck and guided my son to the hospital emergency room. Mrs. Samaritan obtained a wheelchair and escorted me and my son to the ER. Mr. Samaritan parked my truck and brought the keys to my son.

I was able to remember the names of the nurse, an assistant and my doctor, but I regret that I never got the names of the good Samaritans. Thank you for your kind, helpful service. May God bless you, whoever you are and wherever you are.