Letter to the Editor

Gameboy theft big loss for 'Meema'

To the editor:

To the person who stole the Dr. Mario and Pac-Man games and carrying case and the Gameboy Advance SP from our mother's room at the Lutheran Home in Cape Girardeau on Aug. 28: We are sure it was just a game system and some games to you, yet to our mother they meant so much more. The first time she saw her grandson's Gameboy Advance SP, she was thrilled with the advanced lighting and how easy it was for her to see the screen. So that year for Christmas it is what she received.

It was a sight, seeing a nearly 80-year-old "Meema" laughing and shouting at her high scores. Since she first opened the package she had played her Gameboy daily.

At 81 years of age she deserves respect, kindness and happiness in her life, not for someone to come in and take that which means so much to her. With time, we will replace the game system and games, but we cannot take away the pain you caused by your callous behavior. It is too late to change what has happened, but we ask next time, before you do commit such a despicable act, think of the hurt you are causing.