Letter to the Editor

Elvis stayed in basement apartment

To the editor:

While reading the article about Elvis Presley having a concert in Cape Girardeau in 1955, I noticed there was no mention of why he was here.

Bess Ownby (Mrs. Jess) secured him to perform a concert to raise funds for cerebral palsy. Their daughter (Jane) was a victim of cerebral palsy.

Presley did the concert at no charge to the organization. I remember her telling me that she had located a young talent that she thought may have a future. She invited him to stay in her basement apartment while he was here.

I believe many people may still remember the Ownby family. Jess was a professor at the college.

I know this because I rented the upstairs apartment from my cousin Bess along with Ellie Knight as we were attending college at the time.

I will never forget watching him get out of his old black car and slinging his guitar over his shoulder.

The next morning, he was sitting on the hood of his car as Ellie was leaving for class. He insisted on walking her to class. She almost ran from him. We were not used to greasy-looking hair as all our male friends had crewcuts.

If we had known he would become so famous, we may have spent more time getting to know him.

He was a kind and thoughtful person and grateful for the exposure he received at the concert at the Arena Building.

Later, when he was famous, he came back to Cape Girardeau and took Jane for a ride in his pink Cadillac convertible.