Letter to the Editor

Governor is good experience

To the editor:

After McCain announced Sarah Palin as his running mate the liberals and Democrats came crawling out of the woodwork parroting the talking points from the Democratic National Committee. One complaint was she's not experienced (like Obama is) and dismisses her as just small-town mayor. They conveniently downplay her job as governor of the largest state in the Union. It's bordered by Canada to the east and Russia to the west. Gov. Palin has the power to deploy National Guard troops, sign bills into law, veto bills, execute executive orders, among many duties imparted to a governor.

Would the liberals and Democrats be satisfied with anybody McCain would have chosen? No. The left-wing smear merchants and mudslingers would pick clean any vice presidential candidate. Gov. Palin IS the candidate for real change! You go, girl! Nobama '08.

GREG LINCOLN, Cape Girardeau