Letter to the Editor

Bond pushes energy independence

To the editor:

Special thanks to Missouri's senior U.S. senator, Kit Bond, for making a stop in Cape Girardeau on June 23. Bond spoke about viable solutions to solve the energy crisis. The senator is advocating a comprehensive energy package to include further investing in alternative forms of energy while opening up domestic locations for oil exploration.

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist has agreed to explore the possibilities of drilling off the coast of Florida. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is another great location to be opened for exploration while also considering exploration in Wyoming and Colorado, which appear to have more than an ample supply of oil shale. In fact, if the United States were to begin domestic exploration, we could potentially have more than seven times the supply of oil the Saudis have in reserves.

It's my hope that members of both political parties will join with Bond in solving this problem. He has the right idea.

LUCAS PRESSON, Cape Girardeau