Letter to the Editor

We need a nationwide primary

To the editor:

There is a serious problem with the election process in the U.S. How on God's green earth did we ever come by enough brilliant minds to decide on such foolish things as caucuses, delegates, superdelegates, primaries and all the other unnecessary, costly procedures to select a candidate for either party?

Elections are about voters and votes. Each state has the same opportunity to produce votes according to population. Why not have one nationwide primary on the same day, count the votes and declare the winner according to the most votes? This would do away with all the money-grabbing politicians who are promoting this mess.

By the time the winning candidate is selected in this year's Democratic primary, he or she will be worn out and so depleted that there will be no energy to perform the most important job in the world.

JIM DeLAY, Bell City, Mo.