Letter to the Editor

Time to seek solutions, not blame

To the editor:

Once again a tragic event has taken place in Scott City, and the finger-pointing has started. The question shouldn't be "Who can we blame?" but rather "How can we prevent this from happening again?"

The legal system will sort through the details and render the proper punishment. In the meantime, others should accept the blame for their roles in this situation.

The police should accept blame for not treating underage drinking as the illegal act that it is. They should charge these kids and make them responsible for breaking the law. Perhaps they could make restitution by doing community service or volunteer work. Eventually, that may help end the problem.

The parents should accept blame for making excuses. Being a kid or being supervised should never excuse someone for breaking the law.

Perhaps the community and churches should accept blame for not providing a safe place for kids to meet. Instead of an arts center, maybe we need a civic center.

The real blame goes to the kids. They are the ones ultimately responsible for their own actions. It isn't a case of bad or good kids as some have labeled them. They are all valuable, but unfortunately they all used bad judgment in their decisions and actions and by placing themselves in an unsafe atmosphere.

Let's all stop the finger-pointing and do our parts to find a solution. Your kids are too valuable not to.

JOE BRYANT, Scott City