Letter to the Editor

Plenty of blame, no matter what

To the editor:

Isn't it funny that everyone has an opinion on how this country should or shouldn't be run? We had to go to war. If Bill Clinton was still in office, he would have just shaken his finger, looked into the camera and said, "Now, don't do that anymore."

I do not like war anymore than the next person, but on the other hand I do not want to see another terrorist attack in this country. I would not want to be president of this country. People are going to find fault regardless of how well you do. I praise my president for having the guts not only to stand up to the terrorists, but to the American people who continue to sit back and complain. They would complain if he hadn't done anything.

I say to all of you to watch the two towers fall over and over until you can understand that these evil people do not care who they hurt, and that includes you.