Letter to the Editor

Moral extremists exhibit myopia

To the editor:

In providing yet another instance of ideologues claiming the moral high ground on the basis of political affiliation, David Limbaugh reminds us in no uncertain terms why we should reject the Bushies in November and at every other opportunity.

I don't know which is scarier: extremists who claim to be moral absolutists or extremists who really do live in a black-and-white world. In either case, you can count on them to provide the arrogant, jingoistic, Machiavellian myopia that we've seen far too much of already. Let's not forget that few people are more firm in their beliefs than were the 19 hijackers on Sept. 11.

The world already has been ruled far too long by men who know they are always right and that those who disagree with them are wrong. The time is long past due to give a turn to those who strive to understand what right and wrong really mean.


Burbank, Calif.