Letter to the Editor

Christians must make a choice

To the editor:

I am a born-again Christian. I believe the Bible is the Word of God and is infallible and true. I believe the Bible when it says God created woman for man -- Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve or Evelyn and Eve. I believe God says a man shall lie with a woman and they will be man and wife. The Bible tells me before a baby is formed God knows and loves it.

Now I am looking at two men who want to run our wonderful country. I am not look at their party affiliation. One man believes same-sex marriage is OK and that homosexuals should have every right that a man and woman have. He believes it is OK to kill a baby whether it is a month-old fetus or a 9-month-old fetus.

One man has Bible study on Capitol Hill, prays in the Oval Office, is against the murdering of a fetus and is against same-sex marriage.

I ask you -- those of you Bible-believing Christians who stand by the Word of God and believe we should walk the walk and talk the talk -- which man should you put in office? Forget parties. Do you as a Christian vote for the Word of God or against it?


Chaffee, Mo.