Letter to the Editor

Publicize good things in Iraq

To the editor:

This Memorial Day and the dedication of the World War II Memorial have recalled to this veteran's mind our efforts as the Greatest Generation to save the world from tyranny and to establish democracy. During that time, no military activity such as the recent photos about so-called torture of prisoners would have been revealed by any media or anti-war activists. It would have been treated as treason, because it would have served no purpose except to give comfort and support to the enemy, as it is currently doing. This situation was well-known by the military, which had been investigating it for months and using appropriate disciplinary action.

The despicable revelation by the media and anti-war activists has given our enemies a prime opportunity to torture, behead and kill our military people and their supporters. Primarily, these enemies of freedom are the Muslims who do not want democracy, which requires equality of its adherents. This is unacceptable to them because their women are second-class citizens relegated to property status.

What should have been publicized is all of the good things being done for the Iraqi people by our military, which includes my two grandsons who are serving in Iraq. These good things make up too long a list for this letter, but you could easily discover them with a little effort.

