Letter to the Editor

Lies generated by Bush critics

To the editor:

A recent letter listed six critical lies. Yes, they are lies -- but not from the Bush administration. They are from the writer herself and her sources.

1. President Bush never said 9-11 was a direct result of Iraq. He said from the day it happened it was the work of al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden.

2. and 3. No weapons of mass destruction or nukes were found, but that doesn't mean they weren't there. President Clinton and members of Congress believed the same intelligence that Iraq was a threat. Although we didn't find what we were looking for, we found mass graves, torture chambers and other human-rights abuses.

4. President Bush never promised the war would be a cakewalk. In fact, he promised the war on terrorism would be a long war. The vast majority of Iraqis still prefer life after Saddam.

5. Democracy is slowly being implemented. It took the former Nazi Germany and imperial Japan many months to transform. Surely the dissenters aren't against democracy.

6. Under Saddam terrorists were free to come and go as they pleased. At least now we have some stability, and Iraq is not as terrorist-friendly as it was under Saddam.

Listen to President Bush's speeches with an open mind instead of a predisposed hatred in order to gain understanding.


Cape Girardeau