Letter to the Editor

Don't take away school recess

To the editor:

As education standards have become higher, the timeless institution of recess has fallen into jeopardy. According to the American Association for the Child's Right to Play, around 40 percent of public schools have or are planning to cut at least one recess period from the school day, making more time for academic work.

Even though more time for studying is a good idea, schools should not cut recess. Children's attention spans are not as great as an adult's. The break also gives children an opportunity to blow off steam and time for teachers to see any social isolations that might not show up in the classroom. Exercise improves children's ability to comprehend information and promotes a healthier way of living.

If schools think that taking away recess from students is a good idea, they should think again. Recess helps motivate the brain, promotes a healthy lifestyle and gives children unstructured time to run, play and just be kids.

