Letter to the Editor

See film that bares lies

To the editor:

As the Bush administration prepared the nation for an invasion of Iraq, six critical lies were employed:

1. Iraq was responsible for the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center. Yet no link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida has been demonstrated.

2. Iraq possessed chemical and biological weapons posing an immediate threat. Yet no weapons existed and the U.N. inspections program successfully prevented such development.

3. Iraq possessed nuclear weapons capable of threatening the United States. Yet Iraq's nuclear program was a hallucination.

4. Conquering Iraq would be a cakewalk and U.S. forces would be welcomed as liberators. While conquering was easy, there have been more American deaths since Bush declared hostilities were over than during the invasion itself.

5. Iraq would be easily transformed into a western-style democracy. Yet ethnic tensions increase, and it becomes clearer that democracy will not take hold easily in this feudal nation.

6. Americans will be safer from terrorism. Yet the small threat of terrorism that each of us faced has not been reduced since the Iraq war while, as a result of the invasion, al-Qaida now has moved into Iraq.

To learn more about the intelligence manipulations used to promote these lies see free: "Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War" at the Cape Girardeau Public Library at 7 p.m. Thursday or 2 p.m. Sunday.


Cape Girardeau