Letter to the Editor

Enjoy all of our modern wonders

To the editor:

Don't hold to the past. It isn't healthy, nor is it wise.

I was elated to see on television a picture of the Spirit rover moving on the salmon-colored soil of Mars. Scientists held their breath in suspense, then leaped with joy and breathed a sigh of relief following the victory of their long exploration.

Wonders never cease, and minds grow keener each day and night. Visions are to return to the Moon by 2015 and use it as a way station to Mars and even beyond. That is getting pretty close to heaven, but don't expect to get there by exploration. There in only one way, and it won't be that way.

Of interest is the medical field that continues to expand in finding cures and treatment for a number of diseases. Conquered today is a form of kidney disease that in former years was declared incurable. In 1931, my father died of Bright's disease, unknown today by that name. Do you remember when babies were delivered at home with the assistance of a midwife? Difficult births sometimes proved fatal.

Noticeable is the means of travel that have progressed immensely. Very often hundreds of travelers are seen on television rushing to board a plane. In former years, a plane was rarely seen.

Enjoy every minute that you can of this exciting and wonderful world. Times does run out for all of us, lest you forget. What is there to lose when heavenly glory lies ahead?


Cape Girardeau