Letter to the Editor

CBS, KFVS12 don't condone halftime activity

To the editor:

By now the whole world knows about the halftime incident at this year's Super Bowl. There's lots of information that we just don't know yet, like was it planned? And who knew it was going to happen? Let me assure you that KFVS12 had no prior knowledge or expectation that the incident would occur. Had we known, we would never have allowed such matter so completely at odds with our standards to be broadcast to the Heartland.

I think this was a publicity stunt pulled off by the performers in an attempt to shock the audience. Unfortunately, it seems the trend is that many of our modern-day performers crave this type of publicity. And I suspect that all this talk and attention is exactly what they were hoping for. Look at recent incidents at several live televised awards ceremonies with obscene language and gestures made by so-called stars, each one trying to be more shocking than the one before.

The CBS Television Network simply has too much to lose by approving of this type of incident. CBS is well aware of the tremendous opportunity that the Super Bowl gives a network, and I don't think the network would knowingly spoil that opportunity by allowing something like this.

Isn't it sad that the actions of a few immature, immoral performers could have such an effect? I have an idea for next year's Super Bowl halftime: Let's bring back the marching bands.


Vice President and General Manager


Cape Girardeau