Letter to the Editor

Limit fireworks to big display on riverfront

To the editor:

I applaud the leaders of Cape Girardeau and Jackson for banning fireworks that utilize a straight and rigid stick of wood, plastic or other material attached to an airborne propellant. I have found these aerial fireworks all over our yard and sometimes on our roof. What goes up must come down, and there is nothing to prevent these fireworks from falling on someone else's yard. Wind can be a factor as well.

At one time fireworks were only allowed on the Fourth of July. Laws were slackened to allow one week, then two weeks. Most people are not celebrating America's freedom but the excitement of the noise and color. In addition to the fire hazard, the noise contributes to hearing loss, instills unnecessary fear in pets and causes loss of limbs or blindness for those unfortunate to have one discharge at close range.

There are more creative and constructive ways to honor our nation's history than lighting a stick to hear it go bang. Contribute money you would have used to purchase fireworks to professionals to put on a first-rate show at the riverfront. If it is advertised and spectacular enough, it might become a tourism draw to bring people to the city.

I would like to think that the firefighter who lost his home to fireworks did not do so in vain. There is good that can come from this if we only think about it unselfishly.MARYANN "MIKI"


Cape Girardeau