Letter to the Editor

Anti-gun signs don't mean much

To the editor:In response to the letter "Let shoppers protect themselves": Business signs saying guns are prohibited don't mean much. According to Missouri statute 571.107 it is not a crime for citizens with a concealed carry permit to enter private property whose owner has posted the premises as being off-limits to concealed firearms.

If the owner finds out you are carrying a concealed firearm, he can ask you to leave. If you are asked to leave, do it and there is no recourse. If you refuse to leave and a peace officer is summoned, you may be issued a citation. Be courteous and leave.

I agree with the statement about not wanting to spend time and money in a business that doesn't want law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their family. However, sometimes you have to.

Here is a Web link to the Missouri statute: http://www.moga.mo.gov/statutes/c500-599/5710000107.htm.