Letter to the Editor

Look for ways to curb gasoline use

To the editor:Alan Journet, in a recent op-ed column about transportation alternatives, was right on point. Current proposals for alternative fuels are a wash at best and, when government subsidies are factored in, become wasteful.

Our seemingly insatiable appetite for gasoline is both troubling and embarrassing. At what point will we collectively realize gasoline is a nonrenewable resource and take serious social steps to curb this upward spiral? Mankind is notorious for gluttonous waste when a resource is considered limitless, but this is not. According to virtually all sane analyses, we should understand that wanton use of this resource is not sustainable.

We gripe, moan and groan about Big Oil, but should oil companies tell their stockholders they don't care about profits? We need to look at ourselves, cut our usage. Supply and demand would restrain prices. However, much like overeating and obesity, there should be no mystery that over-usage and price go together.

Let's all look for ways to control our gasoline habits.