Letter to the Editor

The strength of human spirit

To the editor:I want to thank the Southeast Missourian for the stories about thankful people in your Thanksgiving Day edition.

I often complain about how depressing the news can be, wondering if there ever is anything good going on the world.

The stories of these fine people let me know that there is definitely something good in these unpredictable times, if only I will concentrate on the positive.

I have prayed for several of these families. Some I know, and some not, but they now have become part of my family.

It is truly amazing how blessed I feel for getting to know them and their unwavering faith regarding their personal situation. God is certainly good, and these stories prove it to me. It is amazing what he can do when we let him.

Again, thank you for such fine stories of how strong the human spirit can be when tested.

GENA BISHER, Cape Girardeau