Letter to the Editor

Cyclist urges safety on the highway

To the editor:I am the cyclist mentioned in Speak Out who rides on Route W most mornings. I'm on my way to work. I'm trying to be as conspicuous as possible with a flashing red light on my helmet, a red flashing taillight and several other lights and reflectors. By Missouri law, a bicycle is a vehicle, and I have as much right to commute to work on my bike as in my car. Bicyclists aren't common here, though, so motorists don't always know how to safely share the road.

The caller's main complaint seems to be that he is unable to pass me while going up a hill. Following Missouri law, I'm riding as close to the side of the road as is safe -- not on the crumbling edge of the pavement, but within about a foot of it. Missouri law also says you have to leave a safe distance while passing a bike, and that would put you into the opposite lane. If you can't see what's coming in the opposite lane, don't pass me. Would you pass a tractor on the road in that situation? Sure, you'll have to slow down and lose a few seconds, but after we reach the top of the hill, you can pass safely and make those seconds up in no time.

I'm doing my part by riding as safely as I am able, and I hope motorists will try to drive safely as well.

ALLEN GATHMAN, Pocahontas, Mo.