Letter to the Editor

School district's closed meetings erode confidence

To the editor:

Way to go, Superintendent Mark Bowles, if you want to further erode the taxpayers trust in the Cape Girardeau School District. Just keep them in the dark and ignore the Sunshine Laws that were enacted to ensure the citizenry is aware of their business.

Yes, this is the citizens' business that you are keeping from them, and it will cost your school district in many ways. I am a firm believer in the public's right to know. I think the best way is to have completely open dialogue on the issues that have to be faced. As a retired school administrator, I am aware there are certain areas that must be handled in closed sessions, and the law enumerates these very clearly.

It seems today too many public officials and individuals in positions of authority feel they know what is best for the community. By shutting the news reporter out of your meetings, you have sent a loud message that the public does not have a right to their business. Yes, Mr. Bowles, this is the Cape Girardeau residents' business you are handling, and you should rethink your position on keeping them in the dark.

Another point I would make is you are an agent of the school board and, in that capacity, when you appoint an advisory group they are a public body and subject to the Sunshine Law of your state. Your school district needs to build public trust, not erode it.


Tamms, Ill.