Letter to the Editor

The cost of living high

To the editor:I have just finished reading the article regarding the practice of credit-card companies not printing in large print all the information therein and subsequently fooling poor college students into reckless buying and having to go into bankruptcy. They are college age and can't read? -- and after the billions of dollars (and they still cry for more) we parents and grandparents have spent trying to teach them to read.

And a bankruptcy attorney, Deldre Jewel, declares that, in addition to the small-print scheme, the trouble is that credit cards are everywhere. He says students need to know as much about credit as they do about savings. Am I to believe a student knows about savings and not about credit? It reminds me of the couple who had several babies before learning what was causing it.

My wife and I have used credit cards for years for all our purchases. We have never bought anything we didn't pay for, and we never have a balance. We know that in a few short days of any credit-card purchase we will be getting a statement. Perhaps our colleges could put out a flier to that effect to all incoming students: "There will be a time in the not-too-distant-future you will be expected to pay for all the charges you make." Or they might let them know of a thing called interest on any unpaid balance.

It is not the high cost of living, though that is a factor. It is more a cost of living high.